Happy Monday! I just got back yesterday from 4 days at the beach with 3 of our close couples to celebrate my 30th Birthday! We rented a big house at Rosemary Beach and had the best time. I’m just popping in with a fun little post on what I’m up to today:

Listening To: Leon Bridges- I found him from Big Little Lies and I have been in love ever since. My favorite song is River- it’s a great driving down a back road kind of song 😉


Wishing: I was back at the beach for my 30th birthday with my closest friends. It was such a fun trip and the beach was beautiful! We enjoyed sunset with wine and great company.


Cooking: Salmon & Asparagus for dinner tonight! Also cut up chicken sausages and cooked on a tray in the oven for lunches for the week.

Eating: Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Square + Coffee as an afternoon pick-me-up before the gym. With a side of Meezmo keeping me company! Don’t tell dad he’s on the counter.


Reading: Woman Code (full review coming soon) but you can read A Healthy Slice’s review of the 4 day hormone cleanse. This book has been so insightful and informational. I’m learning so much about the power of our liver and digestion on our hormone health. Definitely check it out!


Watching: Gilmore Girls, always. I’ve watched GG since high school and it’s my go-to, noise on in the background show. While I’m writing this post it’s on. While I’m folding laundry it’s on. It’s just a thing and my husband always laughs at me for it.

Crushing On: my new house plant! My mom and sis gave me this cute plant stand for my birthday and I finally got my tree in it. Fingers crossed it stays alive!


I hope you have a fabulous week! See you soon- love.